Monday 14 November 2011


This is a big project for me, but one that is very important. I am looking for your support. If there are any news topics that you want me to cover, let me know. If you know of some really interesting information you want to share, let me know. If you want to make videos for this channel, let me know.

My editing skills are not amazing, but I want to make original content. I see a lot of news channels that simply download videos from other channels and upload the same video to their channel. I think this can get very repetitive and negates the purpose. I would rather watch the original video than a mirrored video. So I prefer to create an original video that may be inspired by or use small clips of other videos. Under the "fair use" or "fair dealing" law, copyrighted material may be circulated for the purpose of journalism. The use of copyrighted materials is only "fair" when the use is non commercial. Obviously this channel and blog is completely non profit.

Fair use may include:
  • Research and study
  • Review and criticism
  • "Reporting the news"
  • Legal advice
  • Parody and Satire

I am looking for people around the world who are interested in journalism and have something to say. If you want to make a video, reporting on any news topic that you feel is important, let me know. You can create a video file and send it to me to upload to the channel. You can also upload the video to your own channel and I will download it using to upload on this channel. If you want to upload to your channel but don't want others to see it, you can set the video to "unlisted" in which case only those who are given a link to the video can view it.

I would love to see some other faces than my own on this channel, sharing information with the world. My aim is to provide unbiased information about any topic which is important enough for the whole world to hear about. This includes issues such as war, economy, civil rights, health, the environment, and scientific advancement.

The reason I have chosen to create a whole new channel devoted to the purpose is because I know that these topics can generate a lot of heat and attention. I prefer to give this energy a space of its own. My other two channels have their own less frictional energy. I know from experience that raising my voice about these important issues can attract trolls, arguments and aggression. For this reason I am disabling the video ratings and have set comments to approval needed, unless the comments are from certified "friends" of the channel.

Thank you for supporting this movement.
- Annika

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